The Historians’ Sketchpad at IMC 2024

Now that I’ve actually finished my IMC paper, this doesn’t count as procrastination. So, if you want to find your humble blogging team at this year’s International Medieval Congress in Leeds, and you don’t want to risk wandering around campus until stumbling on us by happenstance, here’s where we’ll be:


I am happy to be presenting as part of a strand of sessions in honour of Julia Barrow, who did my probation when I worked for Leeds and whose important work on the medieval Church has always been exciting to me. Annoyingly, the Tuesday is absolutely packed so I won’t make it to the first session, but I will be at the second – very much the junior tick alongside Charles West and Ludger Körntgen! In an effort to force myself to synthesise, I will be speaking on the way the political role of West Frankish bishops evolved over the long tenth century, internally wincing at the lack of nuance the whole way through. If that’s your thing, come and see me! I will also be at the roundtable afterwards. Other than that, I will be chairing a fascinating session on Early Medieval Brittany, organised by Colleen Curran at Galway. Brittany is a place long close to my scholarly heart and I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say!

Giving a paper:

Session 732: Medieval Bishops, II: Sessions in Honour of Julia Barrow

Tuesday 2nd July, 14:15-15:45, Michael Sadler Building, LG.15

732-a, ‘Ideologues, Troubleshooters, and Regional Rulers: The Evolving Political Role of West Frankish Bishops, Late 9th-Late 10th Centuries’.

Chairing a session:

Session 1340: What Is Early Medieval Brittany?

Wednesday 3rd July, 16:30-18:00, Esther Simpson Building, 2.09


I’ll be giving my paper as part of a series of panels running on Tuesday that I was involved in organising on behalf of the MINiTEXTS project at the University of Oslo. As well as allowing us an opportunity to show off what the assembled members of the Oslo team have been working on over the past couple of years, we’ll be joined by a wonderful group of likeminded scholars from across the world. I’ll be talking on a wonderful panel on lists, thinking about lists of Carolingian kings created in politically charged environments in the ninth century, before following them as they move to tenth-century England and acquire entirely new interpretations at the royal court there. Featuring plotting, blinding and some dangerously passive-aggressive prayers. Then on Thursday (having arranged to vote by proxy) I shall rejuvenate myself after the excitement of the IMC disco by attending a fantastic series of panels on Espionage and Intelligence, acting as respondent at the end (the organiser, Jenny Benham, having no doubt noticed how suavely I wear a dinner jacket while drinking a virgin martini.)

Giving a Paper:

Session 708: MINiTEXTS, III: Lists and Practical Knowledge

Tuesday 2nd July, 14:15-15:45, Esther Simpson Building: LG08

708-c, ‘Sad Minitexts of the Death of Kings: Using Carolingians in Early Medieval Lists’.

Acting as Respondent:

Session 1748 – Espionage and Intelligence in the Middle Ages, III: The Court

Thursday 4th July, 14:15-15:45, Newlyn Building: 1.01

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